One mum's ad for a nanny has gone viral for all the wrong reasons. Photo / Getty Images
One mum's ad for a nanny has gone viral for all the wrong reasons. Photo / Getty Images
It's understandable parents will be picky when it comes to who they hire to look after their kids, but this advertisement for a nanny job has gone viral for its particularly outrageous demands.
The job listing, believed to be from the United States and shared to Reddit, is lengthier than most advertisements for high-level executive jobs.
Successful applicants must have a university bachelor's degree, be aged specifically between 25 and 30, and being able to speak Spanish or Portuguese is a plus.
For $US13 (NZ$18.98) an hour, the nanny must be able to work Monday to Friday from 11am to 7pm, as well as being "on call" for weekends.
"However full days are required during the summer from 9am to 6pm," the job listing explains.
"Also need full days if kids are on holiday breaks OR home from school sick."
Tasks include preparing the two children, aged 8 and 14, for school, cooking their meals, driving them to school and other activities and tutoring them.
The nanny is also required to do laundry and household chores, grocery shopping and look after the family pets.
They must also have "knowledge in Microsoft Office", be "involved with art and sports" as well as having their own car and driver's licence.
The job listing got thousands of comments on Reddit, with people saying that they weren't looking for a nanny but a "slave" or "surrogate parent".
"So basically be my children's parent and run my household," one commented.
The outrageous demands were slammed on Reddit. Photo / Supplied
"How many separate jobs can you find in the description? I count nanny, tutor, personal shopper, grocery shopper, housekeeper, secretary, and personal chef," another wrote.
"Just say you want a slave. Because with these requirements and this pay, this is essentially asking for someone to willingly slave themselves for them," one comment said.
But others said the ad's long list of requirements wasn't the problem, it was the wage being offered.
"It's a reasonable request if you're willing to pay a reasonable salary," one commented.
"$13/hr is not that though."
"This would be fine for a decent salary and free housing, but like this is insane," another agreed.
Commenters that said they worked as a nanny also chimed in, saying a role like this was for a "career nanny" who would need to be paid much more.
"They're asking to hire a stay-at-home parent. In the nanny world, those roles are titled nanny-manager and are typically paid double the base rate for a starter nanny," one nanny wrote.
"In my area, that's 15/hr for a starter nanny and 30/hr for a nanny-manager."