Mother-of-two Alice Coombe feeding her daughter Elizabeth. Photo / MEGA
Mother-of-two Alice Coombe feeding her daughter Elizabeth. Photo / MEGA
A mother has revealed she had a special bust enhancement to allow her to breastfeed her baby.
Alice Coombe, 24, from Plymouth, Devon, says she hated her 32A bust more than ever after breastfeeding her first son Hector three years ago.
Alice said she knew that she wanted more children but worried she would not have the confidence to breastfeed and bond with them, reported the Daily Mail.
Before her second child Elizabeth was born she decided to put an end to her misery by getting breast augmentation in 2016.
The mum-of-two said she was thrilled with the results after surgery took her from a 32A to a 34DD.
She asked for her implants to be put underneath the milk glands so it does not affect breastfeeding, and had 'no complications' feeding Elizabeth.
And while Alice says she surgery has helped boost her confidence and that she would never have gone ahead with it if it meant she would be unable to breastfeed.
Mother-of-two Alice Coombe went from a 32A to a 34DD in breast size. Photo / MEGA
She said: "Breastfeeding was very important for me.
"I feel it's a bonding process with your baby and I feel you're giving them the best nutrients, it's such a natural thing to do and for them it's so comforting too.
"I hated my boobs after breastfeeding the first time. I always had little boobs.
"To me it was the best thing I ever did."
Alice breastfed both of her children, Hector, three and Elizabeth, seven months, until they were five months old.
Many breastfeeding websites say that it is most likely possible to breastfeed with implants, but it depends on the kind of surgery.
While most approaches are compatible with breastfeeding, a 'smile' incision around the areola increases your risk of having breastfeeding problems.
Alice, a former PR worker spent the last 10 years in Tenerife, where she met fiancé Hector and had her two children said she believes that "everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin".
She added: "We shouldn't have to hide things that we are proud of. I'm very proud of my boobs.
"I wasn't happy and there was a chance to change it, so I did. Wear what you want, if you want to show your legs or your boobs then you can.
If an incision is made around the edge of the nipple and areola, this can affect nipple sensation and cut the nerve that triggers the neurohormonal reflex needed for making and releasing breast milk.
2. Where the implant is placed. If the implant packet is placed between the glandular tissue and the muscle layer, it is said to be more likely to exert pressure on the ducts and glands which may interfere with milk flow and reduce milk production.
3. Scar tissue may cause firmness in the breast, distortion and pain and can extend into milk ducts and affect the milk supply.
4. Reconstruction surgery. Enlarging a breast is due to abnormal breast development may mean there is underlying absence of functional breast tissue.