Does your body talk to you? The simple answer is yes, it sure does, and in a language we can understand, if we know what to listen for, writes Dr Abhi Charukonda.
June is Men's Health Month in New Zealand. As I see an increasing number of young men coming through the emergency department with issues from heart attacks to mental health, I've compiled some key telltale signs that will help you understand and treat your body better.
1. Heart health:
The heart is a silent workhorse, in one hour it diligently pumps more than 4000 times, turning over 300 litres of nutrient-rich blood to every nook and cranny in the body.
Early signs of trouble:
• Weight: The dough around our middle is an outward sign we're not eating well or getting enough exercise. Cholesterol levels will likely be high, clogging arteries that nourish and keep our heart and body alive. Smoking exponentially compounds these effects.
• Fitness: Short of breath walking up a couple of flights of stairs? Feeling tightness or pain in your chest? Getting the sweats? Plaque build-up in the vessels to your heart could be narrowing them so much that your heart can't keep up with even the mildest increase in demand. These signs usually preclude a heart attack and should not be ignored.
Take action
Visit your GP at least once a year. It usually involves a quick chat around early warning signs, a blood pressure check and maybe a blood test if it's warranted.
Eating a well-balanced diet, getting 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week and quitting smoking are all easier said than done. So find a partner in crime, join a boot camp, set some health goals and stick to them. Small changes over a few weeks will turn into habits and drastically reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.