Jason Winstanley, The Hits radio content director: How bad could it be?
Jason has an opportunity to go away and partake in a few too many alcoholic beverages and saw the consequences of this when we met back up. I think this is great because awareness is power. We don't always have a good grasp on how much we eat or drink or the negative impacts it can have so quickly on us.
If you are going to do these things, we simply have to do some extra good things to help counteract the effects.
Chris Reed, Herald deputy editor: Making life work for him.
Chris is going great guns and I'm really impressed with the changes he has made. Our focus has been on introducing healthy movement into his plan rather than scheduled workouts.
Two hours of gardening has a lot more benefit than we think!
Nigel Morrison, SkyCity chief executive: Travel will not be his obstacle.
Travelling is extremely challenging when on a health plan if you don't know what you are looking for or how to manage it. Again, just one or two things can make them happen.
Water was a little elusive for Nigel on his first trip, but we have put that right and added in a short, sharp and effective exercise session for when he travels.
Winston Aldworth, Herald travel editor: Cannot stop him.
Very impressed. A great start on the exercise front with some good runs and we have added in a weights circuit for him to do at his work place that will correct posture and test him with his fitness.
Loads of great questions on foods and how to create new flavours without the processed sauces and packets. Knowledge is power.
Lee-Anne's tips for all:
1. Drinking water. Come on, Kiwi men, your car does not even drive without this.
2. Eat a breakfast of protein and natural fats to improve focus, concentration and to manage appetite.
3. Scheduling in exercise which can be done consistently and easily.
4. Keep with the multi-vitamin introduced in week one. A great base to work from.
5. Adding in natural fats to help with cognitive function, aid in fat burning and decreasing inflammation. Some great options the guys have been asked to include are fish oils from Be Pure, avocados as an anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity food, the controversial coconut oil as a fat burner and providing an increase in energy and chia seeds for increased energy and added hydration.