You must forgive me, reader, if I have not been wholly honest with you. The anxious vise in which I've found myself these past few weeks has become something of a reccurring theme on this page and, while I offered you several of my anxiety's sources, I did not disclose its mainspring. It loomed too large and worrying. And it is only now, now it has passed, that I bore it, enjoyed it even, I feel able to write of it.
For various and uninteresting reasons I shall not bother you with, earlier this year a family holiday was planned. A holiday to visit my brother in Queenstown. A holiday to celebrate my father's 70th. We would be eight, travelling down, my husband and I and our two children; my father and his partner, my mother and her partner.
I was 8 when my parents separated. There were some hard and tricky times, but over the past 34 years they have shared the odd Christmas, invited each other to parties, and been bound together through their love of my brother and me, a bind made only stronger by the arrival of their grandchildren. On paper I had nothing to fear. And prior to our big trip south, when I expressed my angst to any of my four parents, to my husband, all were genuinely puzzled. But then none come from parents who have parted ways, and I could not, quite possibly could never, make them understand what it is to be between the two who made you.
I have seen so many behave badly when breaking up. Eaten up with bitterness towards their ex, they will try to turn their child against them. The selfishness of it takes my breath away. To grow up with hatred in your heart for your parent is hugely damaging. No matter what your feelings toward your former partner, if you truly want the best for your child, you will put your ill will to one side. A child should have the opportunity to know and love both their parents. And I have always counted myself fortunate that my parents settled amicably enough on a custody agreement.
But when a dear friend recently went to stay with a mutual friend of ours, and on her return told me how our friend's young daughter and sons had arrived back from a week at their father's and given their mother merry hell, I was troubled. It's not that I pity those children their parents having separated.