Kaymie Wuerfel said she couldn't believe the difference between Aussie and US Macca's. Photo / via TikTok
Kaymie Wuerfel said she couldn't believe the difference between Aussie and US Macca's. Photo / via TikTok
McDonald's is famous for its consistency across every country.
But one American woman now living in Australia has made the bold claim that Macca's not only tastes different down dnder but is also better in Australia than in its country of origin.
Kaymie Wuerfel is a Florida woman who now lives in Australia, and has gained more than 133,000 followers for her content pointing out the differences between her new home country and the States.
Kaymie Wuerfel said she couldn't believe the difference between Aussie and US Macca's. Photo / via TikTok
In a new TikTok titled "Three things I've come to love in Australia", Wuerfel said she preferred Australian Macca's to the American version as the "food quality" was so much better.
"I never ate it much in America because when you eat McDonald's in America you genuinely feel like you are going to die," she said.
"And I know here is probably not much better but it is so, so good.
"I'm eating those Chicken McPieces and downing my frozen Coke, the last thing on my mind is my health - which probably is a bad thing."
In the comments, plenty of Aussies agreed, suggesting it could be because US McDonald's used different oil to cook their food. Other customers have previously claimed that the difference is down to Australia's premium ingredients such as high-quality beef, or the lack of sugar in Aussie bread.
"I tried McDonald's while I was in the US and I literally was sick a few hours later," one person wrote.
"I tried the USA Macca's too when I was there. It's so bad I don't know how it became so big," another commented.
Wuerfel also praised Australia's superannuation system and currency, saying that the different coloured notes made it much easier to use.
"I love the currency as the different colours make it easy to recognise, plus it's very durable," she said.
Last week Wuerfel posted a video revealing the question she had received at an Aussie supermarket checkout that left her lost for words.
While buying food at a supermarket Wuerfel said she was asked by an employee if she "would like a bag".
"Of course I'd like a bag," she replied, prompting the checkout worker to tell her it would be "15 cents per bag".
"Fifteen cents … per bag?" was Wuerfel's baffled reply.
She said the woman working the checkout didn't "understand why I'm acting surprised" and the expat tried to "act like this is normal for me".
The woman was shocked when a supermarket worker asked if she wanted to pay for a bag. Photo / via TikTok
Aussies who watched the video explained that the 15 cent charge was supposed to be a deterrent to using plastic and encourage people to bring their own bags.
"TIP: Leave bags in the car. You never know when you're gonna pop in for some last-minute food shopping, so always have some on hand," one person wrote.
"I'll take 15c bags in exchange for universal health care any day," another person commented.
"If you came over a few years ago, bags were free. But we're busy stopping climate change," another commenter said.
Other culture shocks Wuerfel said she experienced were realising you "don't leave tips in Australia" after eating at a restaurant, which she said was the "most amazing thing I've ever heard".
Wuerfel also recalled being asked if she wanted chicken salt for the first time but having "literally no idea what chicken salt is".