The big holidays are coming up and that means spending lots of time with your children. Which is great. We all love our kids. What a treat. They're special gifts. Until you have to spend multiple full days with them.
This summer you can look forward to your precious babies doing dozens of really stupid annoying things. They can't help it. Children are idiots, our job as parents is to teach them what's right. Unfortunately that involves a lot of telling off. Which is boring for us and them. Disciplining gets repetitive, ruins family time and eventually the kids just stop listening.
After a while they zone out on the fun stuff too. Helpful fishing tips are ignored because you were berating them moments before with "don't touch the knife, don't surplex your brother, don't throw the life jackets in the water".
Important advice in the backyard like "elbow to the sky Guppy style" when you smash it back over my head, doesn't sink in because they're sick of hearing from you. To make it worse their coach tells them the same thing the next day and they do it. Which leads to more telling off "I told you that a hundred times and you don't listen to me".