It's something we usually roll our eyes and think is a big fat joke, but surprisingly the majority of kiwi women actually believe "man flu" is real.
Nearly three quarters of New Zealand women think man flu exists - but they believe it is the term to describe the child like behaviour men resort to when ill and require extra pampering, according to a Vicks VapoRub survey of 1025 New Zealanders. This compared to just 16 per cent who said it was a myth.
And it seems women were more convinced by the so-called man flu than their partners as only 29 per cent of men thought may have suffered from man flu because they had a persistent cold or flu they could not shake.
But according to their female counterparts other symptoms of man flu were increased moaning which came with a spluttering cough, according to 20 per cent of women surveyed.
Some also reported their partners resorted to child like behaviour and more than a third were expected to wait on them hand and foot while they rested in bed or on the sofa. A quarter of women surveyed said they needed more attention than usual.