The other day I tackled a task I had been putting off for, oh, just about forever. I cleared out the garage, prompted by the inorganic rubbish collection notice in the letterbox.
Dragged myself in there and rampaged through it, donated a heap of stuff to charity and junked a load of... junk. I had been meaning to do this for months but every time I went into the overflowing untidy garage it was such an energy sucker. It was like the walls were whispering to me "you are so lazy Louise. Tidy the garage. Lazy. It's going to take hours and be tedious. You should tidy me". Gah! Horrible. Energy sucking. I had started to avoid the garage like the plague.
Well it feels completely different now! Neat. Tidy. Everything in its place. I like going in there for no reason at all, just to look at it! It's energising. It feels like relief.
We all have tasks like that. Stuff we are putting off and putting off. Procrastinating. Always finding something else to do instead. And meanwhile this task that sits undone is a major energy sucker, leeching our energy in the background every time we avoid it.
There is a well-known productivity author called Brian Tracy, who has a very cool strategy for overcoming procrastination. He calls it eating a frog. The idea is that if you have to eat a frog you are better not staring at that frog all day. Eyeballing said frog will only make it taste even more unpleasant, plus it will ruin your day. If you have a frog to eat, you are better just manning up and getting it done first. That way you feel good about the fact that the hardest part of your day is done and this releases a surge of energy and motivation to carry you through the rest of your day.