Limiting beliefs busted? Check. Goals defined? Check. Action steps diarised? Check. This ideal life thing is easy, right?
Sometimes, however, even when we are super clear on what we want and are committed to making it happen, sometimes - we just don't do it! The registration papers stay in a pile in the kitchen. The house remains unbought. The great trip just a pipe dream. Why is that? Good old procrastination, that's why. It's not news that we will often put off taking action, even though we know it's something we really want to accomplish.
There are three key reasons (excuses/lies) we tell ourselves when we procrastinate. The interesting thing is that the underlying emotion for all these justifications is exactly the same: fear, plain and simple. Realising that procrastination is simply fear in disguise can be very liberating. See if you recognise the following:
I can't do it yet; it won't be perfect
Perfectionism is a killer of great ideas and splendid plans. It literally stops us in our tracks. The website doesn't get launched, just draft after draft. The course doesn't get taken through fear of not being able to do it "well enough". The house doesn't get painted through fear of not choosing the "right" colour.