Want to know a magic trick where you can instantly change your mood and motivation just by changing one letter that you habitually use? Of course you do. Who doesn't want to feel more enthused and less resentful, to procrastinate less and do more?
Okay so it's this. What have you GOT to do today? Finish that report? Do the washing? Pick the kids up from school? Go for a run? Make dinner for 5? Take the car for a service? Grocery shop? Review the budgets? Got to answer your email?
Each day is packed with so much stuff that we just have to get done. There is a tremendous pithy quote that sums this up to perfection "Life is just one damned thing after another" (variously attributed to many, including Winston Churchill and Elbert Hubbard). And some days it sure can feel like that. A hamster wheel of getting from one thing to the next, to the next. There are so many things to get done, it never stops. No wonder we can get resentful and some days can seem like a grind. And if that's just modern life, just reality, how can we change that?
Well, we can shift our perspective instantly through changing the languaging that we wrap our experiences in. Words are the magic emotion carriers that define our experiences. Read these out loud to yourself and see if you can feel the change in your emotional response:
• I've GOT to pick the kids up from school today
• I GET to pick the kids up from school today