You know that feeling, that nagging feeling that something is a little off. It might be the job, the relationship, a friendship or a family thing. But you have an underlying feeling of unease.
We have all felt it from time to time. That "something's not quite right here" feeling. That "I just can't put my finger on it" feeling . Living with that feeling day after day can become debilitating. That nagging feeling that something is not as it should be.
Paying attention to that feeling is really important.
It's our gut instinct whispering away to us. It may be whispering that the time has come to move onto pastures new at work. Or that yes, that friend is indeed lying to you. Or that relationship has run its course. Or that partner is having an affair. Or that something is afoot at the company and a round of redundancies is a-coming. Or that you know, yes, you are actually being excluded from that friendship group: you are not imagining it.
Our gut instinct or intuition is a powerful force for our own good. It moves on the side of good and truth and it's always working towards your highest good. It's a pure message of truth delivered straight from our body. You can feel it. You can feel it in your body. It's not a thought. It's a feeling. And that difference is crucial. That's the difference between gut instinct and paranoia. It is not a thought stream of worry and stress, it's a physical sensation. You can feel that something is not right.
Remember this: your mind can mislead you with trickster thoughts that are not true. Your body however has no such tricks: it speaks with clarity and purity. Always. When your body speaks it always speaks the truth, which is why it's always worth listening. Except we don't. Most of the time we really, really don't. We rationalize the feeling away with our thoughts. "She's just under pressure at the moment, everything is fine between us" "They will look after me, I know they would put me in the loop if something big were happening to my department" "He would never lie and cheat, he is way too loving and honourable" "It was just an oversight they didn't invite me, it doesn't mean anything".