Some people are born knowing exactly what they want to do. Where they fit in the world.
You can see it from an early age; their passion to be a dancer, a geologist, a hairdresser or arborist - or whatever it might be.
The kid who is obsessed with rocks or climbing trees, nature, dancing, helping people, baking . . . you can see how their passion evolves and blossoms into adulthood. They always knew what they wanted to do and who they wanted to be. Never doubted it for a second! It's like they were born with a GPS lock on their passion from the moment they entered the world.
Not everyone is that lucky. Some of us take a lifetime to find our passion, if we find it at all. We can get locked into something like a set of golden handcuffs where we are too senior in our career or we have waited too long or are too invested financially to feel we can switch.
And if we are not 100 per cent sure about what we want to switch to, then all seems too big a risk. At worst we can end up living what Henry David Thoreau eloquently described as "the mass of men leading lives of quiet desperation".