Here's an interesting thing. As we clear up the habits of thought that have kept us stuck, many clients will get to a point where they know exactly what it is that they need to do to be happier.
Quit that job. Leave that girlfriend. Move to the country. Quit that toxic friendship. Retrain as a nurse. Downsize the house. Start a new business.
They get to a point of clarity where they just know it's the right move. They can feel it in their bones. They are ready for that new shiny life. Yes! And then, at the moment of leaping, sometimes they just don't. They stay stalled, teetering on the edge.
"What's stopping you?" I say "Is this not what you want?"
"Oh yes, absolutely, I know it's 110 per cent what I want. I know it's the right next thing for me. I've put all the plans in place, the finances are sorted, everything's ready to go."