A great day has much more to do with what you think than what goes on in it. If you can feel the day unravelling, here are four quick ways to switch up your mood and get back on track. These tips will act as a circuit-breaker to a day that is going off the rails, and spread some sunshine whatever the weather.
1: Surprise and delight someone
Marketers call them "surprise and delight campaigns" - strategically going the extra mile for the client, or rewarding the customer in some fabulous way they weren't expecting. It's a powerful approach as it's the unexpected wow factor that creates amazing loyalty. If your mood is tanking, take the focus off you to spread some joy in others with your own mini surprise and delight campaign. Find someone - anyone - to surprise and delight. Perhaps "I love that skirt, it looks amazing on you," to the fellow traveller at the bus stop. Or "I brought you sushi for lunch just because you are great at what you do, and you looked really busy today," to your compadre in accounts. Random acts of niceness. Surprise and delight. Spread some joy. You will feel better.
2: Laugh out loud. Yes. LOL.
I insist you find something that makes you laugh. Right now. Your kid. Your cat. Barbara in purchasing. YouTube, I'm not fussy. Find it and LOL. Did you know research shows kids spontaneously laugh 400 times a day and adults only six times. We need to get these stats improved. Laughing more is an obvious but totally overlooked mood-changer. As adults we need to laugh more, and to create and relish opportunities to do so. Think about it - when was the last time you laughed until you cried? If you can't remember, you need to consciously create more LOL opportunities in your life.