Last week I asked you to create a delicious vision of the future by asking the future you to write me a letter describing your ideal life as you would love it to be in 2015. I hope you made the time to do this, it's a great way to start creating a big picture vision of where life can go. It's terribly easy to get caught up in the day-to-day rush, trying to keep all the balls in the air as we rush from task to task.
What we are doing in this happiness series is creating a little bit of time and space for you to take a longer term, bigger picture view of where life is headed. Carving out that space for yourself is really important. We can be so focused on making everything we do have an outcome that creating a little space each week to allow yourself to dream is vital.
Pull out your letter from last week (if you missed that article, don't worry, you can check it out here).
What I want you to do is to get a highlighter pen and start to work through your letter, looking for things you can start to integrate into your life NOW. Not when you are thinner, fitter, richer, less stressed, in the new job/relationship/house, but right now.
Will it be exactly the same as what you have written? Probably not, that's not really the point! What I want you to get really clear on is looking for the feeling state, rather then the thing itself.