I have had a flare up of an old knee injury which has been most frustrating. It hurts to run, it hurts to walk uphill. It makes me feel like a Nana. It's being fixed by my fabulous physio, but it has also given me pause for thought.
It's a funny thing that we tend to take our bodies so much for granted until something goes wrong with them. And we promise ourselves that when we are well/fixed that we will look after ourselves better, until of course we get busy and then our body takes a back seat again.
I am over of treating my body like this. Bored of hearing those same old arguments in my head "you should have declined that client and gone on that run you wanted to"; "you should have made time for that check-up" and so on. You probably have the same voice in your head too. A whole lotta shoulds.
What if I started to take my wellbeing even more seriously? What if I made my body my true priority for the year? How would I feel? How would I look? My real priority for the year, not just when it's not working but as a consistent principle through the year.
It's not just a shift in attitude that's required, it's a shift in behaviour. There is not going to be a huge magical surfeit of time that just appears out of nowhere, it's a conscious choice to make this happen. To plan it in as a priority and then let the rest of life flow around it.