There is nothing that can more quickly burst your bubble over a splendid plan you are cooking up than worrying about what everyone else will think. Want to leave your job, the coffee group, the country, the country club? Want to join the navy, the revolution, the circus? Your soul might be screaming hell yes! but the handbrake goes on the instant you consider what other people might think about your choice. Fear of criticism is inertia-inducing. It stops us in our tracks and it can suck the energy and enthusiasm out of a new direction in double time.
Other than considering the people whose lives are directly impacted by your decision - with whom I hope you would talk through your splendid plan with courage and compassion - here are four good reasons to dial down that fear of what everyone is thinking about you.
1 It's none of your business what other people think about your new course of action. Totally none of YOUR business. What they think is property of them. It's a thought (or your assumption of what their thought might be) and it lives in their head. Not yours. Therefore not your business. You cannot control what goes on in other people's minds so let other people own their own thoughts and take your focus somewhere more productive.
2Most of the time we are making assumptions about what they might think. Which may or may not be true. Your assumption of "What on earth are you thinking? Big mistake!" could be a "Go girl!" if you actually asked the question. Don't spend time worrying about an assumption. You really have better things to do. Like working on your splendid plan!
3Pretty much no one did anything of serious significance that was not criticised first. Man was never going to walk on the moon. Decca said The Beatles were crap. JK Rowling's Harry Potter was rejected by over a dozen publishers before Bloomsbury signed her.