Do you like your job? Do you believe in what you do? Do you feel like you are making the world a teeny tiny bit better as you clock in for your eight hours? Are you passionate are about your career, your industry?
If you answered a big "hell yeah!" you are not alone, and you are among the ranks of a growing movement of positive working choice. I see more and more people for career coaching where there is an intense drive to connect more with meaning than money.
It's a big shift and becoming an increasingly popular way of life. Generally speaking, work used to be much more about the money. Who paid the best. Best perks. Salary bands as status symbols. We were much more likely to stay with a company for decades, sometimes for a whole career. One company and a gold watch on retirement. It was all about loyalty, security and a good package.
What I see happening now is client after client saying "I just want to make a difference, be passionate about what I do, I don't care what I earn, I just want to be happy". The equation of trading time for money doesn't seem to be adding up for as many people any more.
There is an anonymous quote that sums this up perfectly: