This is a fun exercise. It's also super-powerful. I used to get surprised when clients did this and amazing stuff started to magically happen and appear in their lives.
Now, surprise? Not so much. The good stuff happens with such incredible regularity that I just expect it!
Right, so you are going to create a deeeeeeeeeeelicious vision of the future. You are going to tap into that which makes your heart sing and your soul soar. This is a vision without limits, where you firmly put that voice that says "yeah right. Like that'll happen" to one side. You can pick up all that doubting self talk afterwards, but for now you are going to give yourself full permission to dream. To think, what would be fabulous? What would be amazing? What would make me bounce out of bed on a Monday morning? Put the critical voice aside for half an hour as you do this and enjoy sinking into a delicious vision of the future. For this exercise the only limits are you and your imagination.
I want you to write me a letter. You don't have to send it, unless you want to, I just want you to write it. It's for you, not for me. This is one of the most transformative things you can do for yourself. The power is not in reading about this, it's in committing a little time and actually doing this. It's for you, from you.
The future you. So gift yourself half an hour and get it done.