Here's a question I hear a lot:
"How do I know it's time to move jobs/country/city/relationship? How do I know it's right? I'm really scared if I make this move it might not work out for me."
Such is the concern when we dance on the edge of a precipice of a life-changing choice, either large or small. It's my privilege and honour to hold the hands many smart men and women as they make some awe-inspiring choices of change for the better.
Great change is often accompanied by this one great question: "How do I know it's right?" and the simple statement of truth: "But...I'm scared."
How do we get past this? The thing to know when you are facing any great change is do not get your sense of "rightness" mixed up with the emotion of fear. Try and separate the two. The "rightness" you will feel in your body. No amount of clever logic can ever make up for that grounded, centred, aligned feeling in your body that tells you that this is the right way to go. If you stop and get still and quiet, the wise guide of your body will let you know, without doubt, that something is a Hell Yes! Or a Hell No! Rightness can be felt and you can trust it. Be quiet. Listen. Trust. Then get logical and pragmatic and use your smart brain to make some smart choices. But first the rightness - it lives in your body. Light feels right. Heavy feels wrong.
The scariness thing? Well, this is your logical mind at work. It's very rare for any big decision to come without some degree of fear attached, but, crucially, that doesn't mean it's the wrong choice. Many people will wait whole lifetimes to make a choice to live their passion or to follow their calling. They wait, and they wait. They wait for the decision to come with the absence of fear. For it to feel right AND comfortable. They make feeling comfortable a condition on which the rightness is based. They wait for right + comfortable, right + comfortable. And that day often never comes.