Yesterday was the shortest day of the year. Dark when you woke up. Dark very early in the evening too. You are not alone if you feel that you lose your mojo during winter, feeling down, tired and losing that natural zest for life you have in the summer. It's easy to stay stuck on the couch with a case of the winter blues, so here are some strategies to help you beat them and stay happy through the chill:
1: Start the day with purpose
A good start to the morning is key, especially when you start and finish your work day in the dark. Make a plan the night before - what do you want to achieve the next day? Get organised with your food, gym kit, etc, and start the day off positively. Get as much sunlight as you can during the day to naturally regulate your mood (even nipping out of artificial lights at lunchtime for a brisk walk round the block will help) and if you can, squeeze your exercise in and move your body in the morning to set you up for the day.
2: Be social
Summer is full of barbecues and socials galore. It's fun, easy and pretty much social interaction on tap. In the winter, not so much, as people tend to hunker down at home. Social interaction is a powerful mood- booster so make the effort to deliberately create some winter socials - a mid-winter Christmas; a board games challenge; poker night. Use your imagination to create some winter traditions that connect you and your family and friends. Create some excuses for planned social interaction that don't rely on perfect weather conditions, so you don't repeatedly default to the couch.