If, for the last few years, we've all succumbed to the pressures of Fear of Missing Out, this year we must enable the Joy of Missing Out. Forget FOMO. Let's talk about JOMO.
JOMO is the perfect antidote to a long summer of excess, which many of us have undoubtedly had. Since December, it has been terribly tough to turn down terrace drinkies, rooftop barbecues and beach-days-out. The temperatures haven't dropped below 20 in a long time. We've eked out the sunlight as long as seasonally possible.
But now, dear friends, it's going to get wet. And cold. So let's change tracks for a few months and revel in NOT being stuck waiting for a cab at 1am on a chilly Saturday, shivering from a downpour all over your new Céline, one heel broken because you got it caught in a drain full of mouldy leaves.
JOMO starts with saying no, and for many, that's a hard thing to do. While you might've had a long week, and come Friday night all you wanted to do is fall asleep at 8.30pm to the cackle of Graham Norton, there's something about a last-minute text that reads, "Britomart, wine o'clock?" that you just can't resist.
But you should resist. Because it's only the FOMO that leads you to pull a half-arsed outfit together, slap your face on, and end up spending $100 you really didn't want - or need - to. We all know, when you wake up the next day with sore head and skint bank balance, you'll ask yourself, "Why? Why did I do that? I just wanted to go to BodyBalance this morning!".