Working smarter, not harder, could be the key to perfect posture. Photo / Getty
Working smarter, not harder, could be the key to perfect posture. Photo / Getty
We've all heard about how important it is to have great posture not only for optimal function and movement, but also to reduce stress on the body and minimise back and neck pain.
It is all about working smarter not harder - in fact if we neglect our posture and it is not ideal, working harder can actually do damage to your body and move you further away from your goals.
Poor posture can make you fatter, stretch and weaken muscles leaving you flabby and increase your risk of injuries.
It's a lot like a house; you can have a beautiful house with amazing rooms, beautiful views and stunning space, but if the foundation of the house is shaky and missing some support beams, no amount of decorating will stop that house falling down.
Two minutes always beats 60 minutes, but why does this work?
Because small corrective exercises help the body move in a more optimal way all day, not just while doing the exercise.
Here are two of my favorite anywhere, anytime exercise options to help you get the perfect posture.
TVA Pulser
Lower abdominal muscles need to be reactivated in order to achieve great posture. Photo / Getty
Want a tight, toned lower belly and to reduce lower back pain?
WHY: Our goal is to turn these precious lower abdominal muscles back on. Many women who have had children struggle with this area as these muscles were not reconditioned and rehabbed after pregnancy.
Also those of us who are at desks all day, ride bikes a lot, or are seated can have lazy TVA muscles.
WHERE: Lying in bed - that's right we're going get tight and toned lying in bed!
WHY: Many of us struggle to get the shape and tone we want in the bum. Just check how tight your lower calf muscles are just above your ankle.
If they are tight it can often mean these are overworked because your bum is not doing a lot to help - basically it's gone on holiday and we want it back.
WHERE: Lying in bed or on the floor, as the surface helps us feel the muscle working.
HOW: Lying flat on your back with legs straight, place your hands under your bottom.
Simply squeeze your bum tight and relax, tighten and relax and repeat for 40 pulses.
You can start doing both cheeks together and as you get better and the link between your brain and your muscles is dusted off, you can do one side at a time.