"My partner spends all their spare time on their phone, on Facebook. Is there such a thing as social media addiction?"
Likes, shares, favourites, new followers... it all just feels so GOOD doesn't it? We're social creatures, and the short burst of feel good vibes from a digital human "stroke" is highly reinforcing, and indeed, for some, addictive.
Around 80 per cent of New Zealanders with internet access have a Facebook account, with slightly more women than men using the platform. On average people check their Facebook account 14 times a day.
These are big numbers. But does this mean social media is addictive? And if it is what does a "Facebook addiction" look like?
The big alarm bell is when you find it hard to go without, and repeatedly experience unsuccessful attempts to do so. It's also true that the people creating these platforms design them to be more "engaging". Human contact and attention is very rewarding. That's what makes social media so different to others apps or games: the "social" element.