It's always been thought that what makes secrets harmful is not what they contain - our darkest desires, our skeletons in the closet, our hidden crush - but the sheer effort it takes to keep things to ourselves.
Being secretive is mentally hard work, as the theory goes.
But new research suggests that this commonly held assumption is incorrect. Actually, the problem is if we keep something to ourselves we end up thinking about it more. We ruminate on it, and if what we are keeping to ourselves is harmful, traumatic or shameful - as it often is - then this causes distress.
Something very similar happens when we try to repress, or not think about something. It's like the old mental experiment "don't think about a white elephant".
To not think about the elephant, we have to, well, think about the elephant. Attempting to block thoughts paradoxically involves thinking about the undesired thoughts more.
Anyone who has spent time practicing mindfulness meditation knows this. To truly decrease the frequency of distressing thoughts we have to allow them to arrive, in the knowledge that they will also go, if we let them.
Much like secrets, when we try to bury something it gets bigger. What we focus on becomes our world.
Fortunately the solution with secrets is very simple: tell someone. The research tells us that once something is no longer a secret we focus on it less. Simply telling someone and receiving a modicum of emotional support is enough.
It leaves us feeling less alone and able to cope with whatever we were hiding. Most importantly we become less prone to thinking about it.
Which is why the other guiding value of The Nutters Club is: "honesty is the new drug of choice."
Of course none of this is a secret: we've known all this, as have our listeners, for the last 10 years. But it's always nice when science proves you right.