Sorry. Such a small word, but one completely foreign to Roast Busters' ring leader and aspiring musician, Joseph Parker, it would seem.
To apologise or make amends is hard. Pigheadedness, our pride, or not making ourselves truly vulnerable can and does stand in the way of saying sorry.
But sorry is just a word. A true apology must also involve behavioural change and an attempt to set things right.
The latest performance by this young man, who in my opinion is clearly troubled, was almost the textbook "Public Relations Sorry". It was a "sorry if I hurt people, but I just want to put it behind me" apology.
And we find out it was an apology that arose after he asked to be flown from LA to Auckland (Newshub has stated the interview was agreed upon if Parker "found his own way to New Zealand"). It was also made in the context of wanting to launch a music career.
It was a media appearance that looks to have been fuelled by his own needs - not out of any genuine desire to set things right.
Offered in his own defence - as evidence of his contrition - were his attempts to contact the young women involved.

We don't know if they wanted to be contacted by him, but I doubt very much he took the time to find out.