"In a previous column you listed a series of indicators of depression but you didn't talk about the way depression destroys motivation. Surely that is a key indicator?" Curious
Motivation may very well be one of the most written about self help topics. This might say nothing, or may tell us it is key to the human condition and something we all struggle with at times. And it certainly is a key indicator of depression.
It's common to think about motivation as a "thing": you either have it or you don't. If you don't, the answer is to find it. Where might one find it, and how to go about the search? Well for many, including those that are experiencing depression, finding motivation can become the Holy Grail.
Simply put, motivation is our inbuilt navigation system for life. Motivation is essentially a way to describe how emotions guide us towards desirable goals, and help us overcome life's obstacles. It's in these emotions that both the problem and the solution lie.
Many years ago I played first XV rugby with a young man who liked to prepare for the game by punching, and at times head-butting, walls in the changing room. As ill-advised as this was, it was also highly effective at creating motivation. In this instance the pain caused him to feel anger and aggression. It was very motivating for him, albeit a little scary for the rest of us.