The recent revelations about Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuse and rape of women in Hollywood and its cover up is deeply shocking.
It's also lead to a necessary public conversation about sexual harassment and sexual violence, exemplified by the recent flurry of women I care about and respect posting #metoo on their social media timelines.
In the last couple of weeks, we've also had some very public departures from New Zealand Twitter by individuals claiming it's a toxic place where abuse, bullying and "pile ons" predominate, and free speech is curtailed.
While at first glance these events may seem unrelated, in my mind there is no question they are both expressions of the same problem. Emapthy is becoming harder and harder to find.
Increasingly the individualised, commodified culture we live in - a global extension of values and ideas espoused and promoted by a very American version of free market capitalism - puts the wants and desires of the individual at the heart of how the world is viewed and structured.