Occasionally I have clients stop mid-sentence, look at me with a slightly concerned manner and ask, "How do you listen to this all day?" It's a fair question, and one I always try to answer honestly.
Burnout, or more specifically "compassion fatigue" is a real professional concern, sort of like the "RSI" of the caring professions. Psychotherapists in particular are required to undergo their own therapy as part of training. All talk therapy professionals are also required to attend "supervision" too, essentially a session of their own once a week, or fortnight, with a senior colleague to discuss and support their work.
But what happens when we care too much?
Caring is a scarce resource and it's not just professionals who can burn out. Many people find themselves in relationships, friendships, with elderly parents, or in the work place, feeling that their well of compassion has run dry.
At the more extreme end, vicarious traumatization is a recognised response to working with traumatised people, where just the experience of talking with highly distressed, traumatised people can leave people experiencing symptoms of trauma themselves.