Before I began this project (of seeking Kiwi collectors) some months ago I looked around my possessions and realised that, technically, I have a lot of what could be termed 'collections'; they range from cricket annuals and rugby programmes to biographies of famous comedians and even at the moment a fine assortment of weeds in our somewhat neglected garden.
But I have only one true collection. It's that one collection that defines so many of us. What do we have and why do we have it? The answers to those questions are as varied as the assembled objects.
I've come to the conclusion - thanks to the individuals I have visited in the course of researching this book - that there are four types of collectors. The first are those who have started a hobby (usually thanks to the encouragement of a parent, generally a father) as a child and continued it throughout their lives.
The second is someone whose hobby is closely associated with their day job. But while the nine-to-five or shift roster may pay the bills, time after work tinkering with many of the same things as during the day has a greater satisfaction and, crucially, provides relaxation for the hobbyist.