A US divorce lawyer has revealed the top professions her clients wouldn't want to date.
A US divorce lawyer has revealed the top professions her clients wouldn't want to date.
They say never judge a book by its cover, but it seems many Kiwis are prepared to write off potential partners because of their professions.
A divorce lawyer from the United States went viral after revealing the five professions she believes women should avoid in a husband based on the trends she saw dealing with clients going through divorce.
“Over the course of my career, I’ve watched my most difficult cases and shockingly, many of them involve men in these five professions,” Katherine Leonard said in a video.
“What I notice is that they tend to be more narcissistic, controlling and be far more difficult in dealing with a divorce.
“They have a ‘Nuke the earth, you know, scorch the earth, how dare you challenge me’ kind of approach to litigation.”
Vaughan quickly jumped in to suggest lawyers would be difficult to date because “they’d just run rings around you”.
The calls and texts piled in, with a number of professions coming up regularly.
According to the ZM hosts, chef was a common answer from Kiwis.
“Don’t date chefs, it’s an ego thing.”
Another common response was the profession of tiler. One Kiwi woman revealed her ex was a tiler and said he was “disgustingly dirty”.
“He had grout in his hair, all sorts of different dust and paste and it put me off,” she told the hosts.
When asked if she would break her own rule if a tiler was attractive and charming, she said “No, he’d be covered in paste.”
A US divorce lawyer has revealed the top professions her clients wouldn't want to date.
Pilot was another profession some listeners had a gripe with. One person said her ex-husband was a pilot and claimed there was a seedy culture of infidelity . She said he once claimed “bonding with the crew was important to build trust in case of an in-flight emergency”.
Another followed it up with the message: “Don’t date pilots, ever.”
Vaughan revealed numerous listeners messaged, saying to not date personal trainers.
“A lot of people said personal trainers because the body is hot but they’re dirty dogs.”
Some listeners claimed they would not date scaffolders, with one claiming: “I own a scaffolding company and the stories from 96% of our staff over the 10 years we’ve owned it, they’re very dirty boys.”
One joked that they wouldn’t date a baker again because when she did “I got too fat from all the yummy treats they brought home”.