One thing that is great about being a parent of young children in New Zealand is that we are generally very well served by the specialist media. The major parenting magazines and a host of websites and other publications are excellent sources of information in general, even if they do have a habit of constantly recycling the standard parenting debates: breast or bottle? Daycare or stay-at-home? Nature or nurture?
But occasionally, at least in my reading of them, they get it wrong. Such as when, recently, one of the magazines had its psychologist answer a question from a woman in a blended-family scenario. The woman had a young son and was in a new relationship with a man who was generally loving to her son.
Occasionally, though, he would get very angry and do things like call the son an "idiot" when the boy did something wrong (and wrong sounded very much like child-like rather than actually mischievous).
Now, this might not sound like much I suppose, but it certainly set my alarm bells ringing. And I am not the kind of parent who doesn't believe in discipline. I don't ever physically punish my children but I sure-do lose my temper from time to time; I try hard not to shout but I can be overly "harsh" according to my husband, who tends to be the "good cop" in our parenting relationship.
However, and despite barking at my kids frequently, I would never EVER call them - or any other children - "idiots". To me it is the same no-no as saying a child is "dumb" or a "loser" - the kind of language that should have, in my opinion, no place in parenting (or marriage really, if you want to maintain civility).