When I first started this writing gig, I believed I had found a gap in the market. A lack of genuine humour, light-heartedness and a comedic take on serious issues ... that didn't rely on pushing a particular political agenda.
Every week I would sign off with the tagline, "smile loudly"... my descriptor of laughing.
That was many moons ago and thanks to the unprecedented rise of political correctness, those humorous articles have become increasingly more difficult to write.
If you want to enjoy a laugh, maybe even one that comes at the expense of someone else, it appears you literally need to store your loud smile in the great abyss, commonly known as the cloud, only to download it later and enjoy it in the privacy of your own bedroom.
Read more: Kate Stewart: Strength in numbers
Kate Stewart: Being on trend simply distasteful
Kate Stewart: Guilty till proven innocent - everyone's a judge and jury
If you do it publicly, there is the very real fear that you will upset some uptight, over-sensitive, socially influenced Bozzo who tries to deny that their orchestrated outcries of bigotry and intolerance haven't earned them special treatment or believes that, like the Great Wall of China, Kim Kardashian's arse is visible from outer space.