We heard a lot about ACC claims, we had the arguments back and forward about which council was going to do what to police them and wrap some rules around them. We had debates over speed limits and helmets, and discussions around which companies were more reliable than others.
So why are we not getting the safety message on these?
Two hundred new injuries a month makes the cost for ACC around $500,000 a month. And who picks up that tab? You and me, the taxpayer.
Yes, councils have put in rules here and there around speed limits and curfews but they can't control whether you wear a helmet or not, and they can't control where you drive it.
If a rider is going to plough down a busy street into pedestrians, no one's really policing that.
Kate Hawkesby. File photo/ Michael Craig
So what's the Government doing about it, you may ask? Well, according to one report, "It was July last year when Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter... first said the Government would consult on an update to our laws around micro-mobility transport. Supposedly, before the end of 2019."
According to the Herald, when they approached her this month, she said.. "a discussion paper would go to cabinet 'soon'. It would be followed by public discussion."