The Otago Daily Times asks prominent Southerners how they have been getting through a year dominated by Covid-19. Reporter Karen Pasco talks to London-based Southlander, nurse Jenny McGee.
When I reflect on 2020, I think ... that while most people have had a tough year, despite the lows of the pandemic, this will always be a special year for me. Professionally, beyond looking after Boris Johnson and the recognition I received as a result, I have worked and helped lead the most hardworking, dedicated team and the teamwork I experienced when times were tough was inspiring. Personally, I made some drastic changes to my lifestyle and as a result have lost over 60kg. I've never felt better! I also made my parents incredibly proud. When they were terribly worried about me in a country that is ravaged by Covid, there I was on the 6 o'clock news, very well and thriving.
I survived by ... having the support of my lovely boyfriend Euge. He can never understand what I go through in an intensive care unit in a pandemic, but he listens and gives amazing foot rubs. Also my fellow intensive care nurse best friends who do understand. Always there for each other, always up for s... and giggles, we are riding the pandemic wave together.
I discovered I really liked ... coriander and mint, together, in anything I can put it in! Also oat milk, a huge sin against my dairy farming, Edendale-born-and-bred upbringing.