I have this version of hell, in my head, where it is like this giant faceless corporation, where the souls of the damned serve out eternity in mindless bureaucratic servitude. In a windowless building, in tiny cubicles, like battery-farmed insurance company workers (which may very well be what many of them were in a previous incarnation), these poor wretches will spread evil throughout the land - and also make reality television programmes like The Bachelor.
Within this corporate hell there are many departments, dealing with evils both great (Famine, Pestilence, Religious Fundamentalism, Paul Henry) and also mundane. In a way it is the mundane evil - which is the work of the Department of Everyday Evil (DEE) that is (with one exception) the most evil of all the evils.
The job of the DEE is to make your life crap at an annoying and persistent level. These are the demons that turn a good day into a bad one, just because they can and because it is the reason for their eternal existence.
The way the DEE works, as far as my imagination can figure, is that they have a computer system that randomly picks names and when your name is picked they turn all their insidious forces into guaranteeing you have what they term an RCW (Really Crap Week).
A RCW is one of those weeks where nothing goes right and everything goes wrong for reasons you cannot comprehend. And the reason you cannot comprehend why you're having a RCW is that there are the unseen forces of the DEE behind the whole damnable thing.