A Southland man had a mare this weekend when he called the local council to complain about three dogs attacking a miniature pony, not realising that the group was just engaging in a little horseplay.
When he saw miniature pony Whinny racing around a paddock with three dogs he phoned council to report an attack, but Whinny's owner says that couldn't be further from the truth.
Crystal from Invercargill returned home from a short trip to learn that a man had been sitting outside her property honking his car horn and telling one of her family members that "there are three dogs attacking that pony, I am ringing the council."
"She really does consider herself as one of the dogs," says Crystal, who took to social media to share the story and send a message to the complainant.
"If you had just listened for two seconds she could have got the chance to explain that this pony has grown up with dogs and she is not in distress when she's running, she's actually happy playing.