An empty house on a friend’s farm in Otago becomes home to a lifetime worth of prize finds from around the world.
An Otago cottage built during the gold rush has provided the perfect backdrop for Peter Boyer's ever-growing collection of "treasures".
When Boyer wanted to return to his South Island roots after decades of globetrotting and living in Auckland and Melbourne, his sister Karen Boult and her husband Jim offered him the use of an empty cottage on their farm on the shores of Lake Hayes, between Queenstown and Arrowtown.
Built during the 1870s and renovated in the 1970s, the tiny cottage had lain empty for years. Getting the power reconnected enabled Boyer to tidy the place up and move in - along with his collections.
"I'm definitely not a minimalist," he says. "I've always been an eclectic collector. I've picked up lots of things in my travels over the years, but my collections seem to have grown in the four years I've lived here. I think it's something about the cottage itself. I love its sense of age and history - you don't get that often in New Zealand. I like to think if there were ghosts in this house they'd appreciate me doing this."