"The Incredibles," an animated film about a family of superheroes, was a surprise pick when the Producers Guild of America announced its nominations for its best movie of the year award.
Also nominated for the awards presented on Jan. 22 were comedy hit "Sideways," boxing drama "Million Dollar Baby," epic "The Aviator," about eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes," and "Finding Neverland," about the man who created "Peter Pan."
Because animated movies seldom are given the same respect as live-action films, the selection of "The Incredibles," one of the year's big box office draws, was a surprise.
Richard Gladstein, the producer of "Finding Neverland," said he was also surprised by the inclusion of "Incredibles" because the Producers Guild of America only has one film award for best film production compared with other groups' awards that honor music, special effects or animation.
For example, the Oscars, which are the US film industry's top honors, has a separate category for best animated film.
Gladstein said that his own film "was not a very expensive or elaborate film, so I imagine what got to them was the content and the emotion of the film, as opposed to extravagance."
"The Incredibles" has been a huge hit for Pixar Animation Studios Inc and The Walt Disney Co, raking in more than US$250 million (NZ$359) at US and Canadian box offices. That trounces the other films against which it competes. "Sideways," for example, has taken in US$22 million in the same markets.
Awards and nominations from industry associations like the Producers Guild often help narrow the choices for Oscars, the US film industry's top honors. Many of the group's members also belong to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which awards the Oscars.
The Oscars will be given out on Feb. 27, and next on the awards watchlist in Hollywood will be the Directors Guild of American nominations on Jan. 6 and the Screen Actors Guild nominations on Jan. 11. The Screen Actors Guild, or SAG, represents US film and television actors.
The Producers Guild also gives awards to TV shows, and in the category for best drama, long-time hits "The West Wing," Mafia show "The Sopranos," "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and "Six Feet Under," about a family of undertakers, compete with relative newcomer "Nip/Tuck," about two plastic surgeons.
Among the TV comedy nominees was "Arrested Development," about the family of an imprisoned real estate developer which earned US TV's top award, the Emmy, this past September. It will go up against "Will & Grace," "Curb Your Enthusiasm," "Scrubs," and "Sex and the City."
'Incredibles' among producers' picks for top films
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