I knew I wanted to run a profile of broadcaster Susan Wood when I saw her in front of several hundred loud and largely sozzled journalists at a media awards night in May. Wood, as most people know, suffered a serious brain injury 18 months ago, where she had to re-learn how to walk and talk. To get up and present that night took real guts (especially given a temperamental teleprompter making her job that much harder). She talks to Kim Knight about life after the fall in tomorrow's issue.
And not to call out any of my colleagues' ages, but when I did a straw poll of the women sitting around me as to whether they'd be keen on a piece on menopause, let's just say I had to block my ears from the "hell yeah!" that came hollering back at me. So often, writing about menopause is relentlessly anatomical. It was a pleasure, then, to read Marina Benjamin's insightful, personal account of the psychological and emotional shifts she felt as she entered menopause - and the impact this had on her relationship with her daughter, just as she was beginning to navigate the rocky shore of adolescence.