The American writer Susan Faludi is probably best-known to most readers for her 1991 book Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, which asked why, if American women were supposed to "have it all", did they still not have the most basic requirements to achieve equality in the workforce - you know, such things as paid maternity leave. (And look at them now, 25 years later ... )
What I didn't know until recently was that Faludi followed that book up with Stiffed, where she interviewed American men about their fears and frustrations around economic and social issues, tapping into a class of men who felt left behind and marginalised by the American elite's policies ... is this starting to sound familiar? They were the men who now form the backbone of Donald Trump's support. Faludi managed to draw out the conditions that can lead to intolerance without judgment.
This ability to empathise would have come in handy when she received an email from her long-estranged father, informing her that he was now a woman and wanted Faludi to write her story. She did, and an extract from the book, In the Darkroom, is on page 14 in tomorrow's Canvas.
Also in Canvas this weekend: ex-Shortland Street star Kim Crossman as you've never seen her before and Annabel Langbein is sharing her favourite winter salad recipes.