Canvas editor Michele Crawshaw shares highlights from tomorrow’s Canvas magazine. Get your premium glossy weekend magazine in tomorrow’s Weekend Herald.
How refreshing to hear a woman in her early 50s talk about how she's more in demand than ever. So often we hear the reverse - how middle-aged women feel like they're invisible, overlooked. For actresses, it's a time when roles seem to dry up. Miranda Harcourt, though, is busier than ever at 53: appearing in two television series and working as a sought after international acting coach. She talks to Canvas this week about why she's Skyping Hollywood actors at 4 in the morning, working with her 14-year-old actor daughter, and why going grey has given her freedom.
We also talk to Yoko Ono, who at 82, is still trying to find peace. She talks about life 35 years after John Lennon, why she continues to live in the Dakota apartment where he was assassinated, every day walking over the very spot he was killed, and why she's still campaigning for everything from feminism to peace to gun control.
And what's in a kiss? A whole lot it turns out. We look at the history of kissing around the world. It's a fascinating read.