Life lessons from the actress.
Animation was my biggest childhood influence aside from my family, of course. I travelled to Mayan temples with Scrooge McDuck, sang to bluebirds with Snow White and traversed the depths of the adult mind at far too young an age with Outrageous Animation. Then Walt Disney instilled a ridiculous level of optimism and belief in a world of wonder, which may have gone some way to helping me into drama school. I wasn't interested in a gap year or in considering anything else. Anyone broaching the idea of the "sensible option" may as well have been talking to me in Greek.
I only gave up the idea of becoming a child star when I was 17. It wasn't a matter of needing to try harder or wanting it more, it was about accepting it was impossible and there was nothing I could do about it. That sent me into a life crisis. Apparently first-born children put huge pressure on themselves - well, that's my excuse for the melodrama and I am sticking to it.
I deal with issues like that, especially anger, by talking. I talk and talk and talk. I am one of those irritating people who tries to debate with the television. For instance, in 24, why does no one listen to Jack Bauer? That makes me so mad. I also pause movies to rant. But if I am really angry I go deathly silent.
I am a terrible liar and very upfront about who I am. Mum once advised me that I should probably learn to be more mysterious. I tried it for a day, but it was far too exhausting.
I rely on my own philosophy. Happiness is a choice and you have to choose it every day, even when it doesn't work out so well.
I'd like to live multi-dimensionally. That way I could spend all day with family, all day with friends, all day working, all day trying to get Oprah's job, and all day reading. All at once. God, that would be good.
I might even get to confirm a mystery. Apparently you aren't supposed to be able to remember anything before the age of 3 but I swear I remember Mum baking me an amazing Humpty Dumpty cake for my 2nd birthday. Humpty was a giant Easter egg. I have photos, so I wonder if I created the memory around the photos or did the photos keep the memory alive? I remember it tasted like banana cake ...
Liesha Ward Knox is an ambassador for The Outlook For Someday, a sustainability film challenge for young people which is now calling for entries. For more information see