But not everyone supported her unusual bathing habit. Photo / TikTok @aydan_jane
But not everyone supported her unusual bathing habit. Photo / TikTok @aydan_jane
Do you really need to shower every day? One TikTok user doesn't think so.
23-year-old Aydan Jane recently took to the social media app where she shared she doesn't shower every day, or every second day but rather every tenth day.
The woman, who regularly posts her morning routine, has disgusted TikTok users after she posted a video that said "I am living proof that you don't have to bathe often to look and feel good."
She went on to reveal that despite popular belief she doesn't smell and claimed the only noticeable difference is her hair would be curlier if she washed her hair more regularly.
"I would argue it's better for the environment if we shower less because water's a precious resource," she said in another clip posted to her account.
Jane also replied to a comment from a curious user who asked if she changes her shower habits when she is menstruating.
Jane replied she does not and continues to shower every 10 days because "Your period does not make you dirty. Periods are not dirty," adding, "Also important to note that the vagina is self-cleaning, so you don't have to clean it — cause it cleans itself."
The 23 year old woman shocked TikTok users after revealing she only showers every 10 days. Photo / TikTok @aydan_jane
The video has since gone viral, receiving over 3.2 million views and over 20,000 comments - most from users who were not supportive of the woman's unusual bathing routine.
One user brutally commented, "You are living proof that you do, in fact, have to bathe often to look and feel good."
Another said, "stay 10 ft away from me."
While a third user commented, "Hey girly, sometimes secrets are good!"
The video also caught the attention of Dr Julie Russak, a private practice dermatologist in Manhattan who told the New York Post that while there is no harm in leaving one or two days between showers, not showering can result in skin damage.
She explained, "You also have to still think about all the bacteria and [toxins] that accumulate on the skin."
"When the body sweats … it's all a natural way of removing toxins. Still, you don't want to leave that sitting on top of your skin too long, encouraging pimples, folliculitis and other skin infections."