In the era of the quantified, commodified "friendship," there are few slights so keenly felt as the unspoken, unacknowledged unfriend. Now, for better or worse, you can revel in your own rejection: Who Deleted Me, a recently relaunched app for iOS, Android and Google Chrome, tallies in real time all the one-time friends fleeing your Facebook feed.
Read more:
• Modern etiquette: How do I decline Facebook friend requests?
• The most annoying Facebook status updates
Using the app is pretty simple, emotional consequences aside: After you download the app or browser extension, log in to Facebook through it and click "show me who" to see the people who have unfriended you, or left Facebook, since you last logged in. (The app doesn't work retroactively: You can only see your unfriends since you downloaded it.)
Similar tools are also available for Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram: Try Stalkr, Who Unfollowed Me and if you really want to feel bad about yourself.
Seriously, though: What prompts a long-time friend or acquaintance to suddenly lose interest in your updates, as 63 per cent of all social networkers say they have, at one point, done?