Never in recent times have we faced so much psychological deprivation for so long. Photo / 123RF
Never in recent times have we faced so much psychological deprivation for so long. Photo / 123RF
With many employers around the world starting to welcome their staff back to the office, it could be that some are reuniting with colleagues for the first time in 18 months.
But is it a joyful return to the ways of old, or do you detect a drop in creativityand energetic spark?
Last month dating app Bumble closed its (virtual) doors to give employees a week's paid holiday to tackle what CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd described as 'collective burnout'.
Collective burnout is a feeling of emotional exhaustion shared across people in the same environment. Individuals feel not only exhausted but unmotivated, overworked and directionless. Gloria Gonzalez-Morales at the University of Guelph in Canada suggests those who feel this way assume everyone else around them is similarly afflicted, which then intensifies their own negativity.
Many will identify with the description of collective burnout just now, not only in the context of work but also in our roles as parents, homemakers, carers, even friends. Never in recent times have we faced so much psychological deprivation for so long, nor have we suddenly had to learn to keep going while behaving in completely new ways. It's not a surprise, therefore, if we're feeling drained. But is a week's holiday enough to sort things out?
It will certainly confer immediate benefits, because recipients will feel understood and valued. It's also likely to increase company loyalty: Bradford Wilcox at the University of Virginia found giving unexpected gifts, particularly gifts that suggest the donor considered the recipient's needs and point of view, predicts happier relationships.
Even though Bumble's decision was announced well before the intended date so staff had time to plan, the practicalities of finding ways to do what was intended – to give employees time 'to focus on themselves' – may have defeated many; particularly parents. And sadly, even for those who were able to spend the entire week relaxing, research suggests any gains from a holiday are short-lived, lasting at most two weeks after vacationers return to work. Nonetheless, Bumble's offer is likely to alleviate employees' stress levels, if even briefly.
Bumble founder and chief executive Whitney Wolfe Herd. Photo / AP
If you could manage a short break, what would be the best ways to spend that time?
Natalie Wilkie at Innovation Europe suggests treating collective burnout as if it's a physical illness, allowing yourself as much rest, sleep and nourishing food as you desire.
But for lasting benefits, you also need to take action to try to alleviate the causes of your negative feelings. Gunnar Aronsson and colleagues at the University of Stockholm found emotional exhaustion is closely associated with a perceived lack of control at work, little or no job support, and a high workload. Burnout is therefore less likely to recur if you spend some time during your break establishing meetings with HR or your line manager, so you can address work stressors regularly once you return to work.
Employers could also consider responding to the current extraordinary situation not only by listening to employees, but also by offering flexibility of workplace and working hours, at least for an initial period while everyone readjusts.
It will also help to find a friend who's willing to meet up or talk online regularly so each of you can offload current problems and discuss possible solutions. Being listened to, even when things can't change much, is hugely therapeutic.