My column a few weeks back on the secrets of fit people who naturally love exercise got more than 800 shares on Facebook (thank you!). A very full inbox and lots of awesome comments show it resonated in a really good way. As ever, it was all about mindset - no calories in and calories out recipe plan, or advice on yogaboxzumbalates being the next big thing in exercise classes. Being a naturally fit person starts with the right mindset. It always starts with mindset. Once we have that right everything else falls into place. As it does with "naturally" happy people.
I love coming across "naturally happy" people. The lady in the shop who is thrilled to wrap the vase I have bought. The guy running past dripping in sweat with the biggest grin on his face. The friend who despite going through a time many would call tough stays relentlessly upbeat. How are naturally happy people so damn happy? What do they know? How do they dance through the fire, when most of the rest of the world lurch from crisis to crisis, stress to stress, and are perpetually trapped between the twin pillars of "busy" and "stressed"? What do they know?
Naturally happy people have generally figured out:
1 That they are responsible for their own emotional state. They don't expect someone else to create it for them or "make them" happy. They know that how happy, or not, they feel, is down to what they choose to think about stuff. So they think happy thoughts most of the time. They don't rely on outside circumstances lining up perfectly in order to feel happy. They choose happiness now.
2 They don't sweat the small stuff. They can look at something and think "will this still bother me in five years' time?" and shift perspective quickly that drops the stress. They know most of what goes on is actually small stuff.