Delicious yet nutritious desserts that will satisfy you sweet cravings without breaking your diet. Photo / Getty Images
Delicious yet nutritious desserts that will satisfy you sweet cravings without breaking your diet. Photo / Getty Images
Watching your waistline and trying to be healthy often means cutting out decadent desserts from your diet.
But one nutritionist reveals there is a way to satisfy your sweet tooth whether you want to shed the pounds or simply stick to a healthier lifestyle, reports the Daily Mail.
Lily Soutter, who is also a nutritional therapist, has revealed the eight sweet treats you can still tuck into no matter what diet you're on - and some of them are still deliciously indulgent.
Chocolate mousse
Do not worry you will not taste the avocado. Photo / Getty Images
This decadent mousse makes for a perfect dinner party dessert and really tastes as indulgent as it looks.
You may worry about using avocado in sweet treats, but in actual fact, the avocado is the secret ingredient to the dessert's rich and velvety texture.
Avocados are not only bursting with nutrients and heart healthy monounstaturated fats, there is also evidence to show that they may support weight loss.
One study demonstrated that those who ate half an avocado with their lunch felt 23 per cent more satisfied and had a 28 per cent lower desire to eat during the next five hours.
Blend, set in the fridge and top with raspberries.
Baked pears
This is a perfect low calorie dessert for colder evenings when you're craving something comforting and warming.
The walnuts give this dish a tasty crunch whilst providing a good dose of protein and fibre.
It is this protein and fibre which slows the rate at which sugar enters the bloodstream, which ultimately reduces output of the fat storage hormone insulin.
Calorie content: 80 kcal per half baked pear
Delicious yet nutritious desserts that will satisfy you sweet cravings without breaking your diet. Photo / Getty Images
This is a blend of natural yoghurt, berries and cinnamon which can be frozen into ice block molds.
This super simple dessert takes just minutes to whiz together, and makes a great choice for a summer's day.
The combination of the protein-rich yoghurt, low sugar berries and insulin-sensitising cinnamon, makes this a fantastic dessert for balancing blood sugar.
By stepping off the blood sugar roller coaster, you may minimise weight gain, and further cravings for sugary indulgences.
Calorie content: 27 kcal per ice block
A great summery treat. Photo / Getty Images
Chocolate banana sushi
Bananas contain very few calories, around 100 at the most, yet they're full of fibre so can be filling at the same time.
This is one red apple sliced, with each slice topped with a dollop of natural peanut or almond butter, dark chocolate chips, coconut flakes and walnut pieces.
Many people associate dieting with living off low-calorie vegetable sticks. The same people tend to shy away from nuts which are higher in calories than vegetables, they are in fact a dieter's best friend.
Numerous studies have shown that just a handful of nuts a day can significantly reduce hunger, leading to a lower overall calorie intake throughout the day.
These effects come from their protein and fibre, which both have satiating properties.
And there really is nothing more tasty than an apple topped with a dollop of indulgent nut butter and some healthy toppings to give it some crunch.