Gwyneth Paltrow's infamous new-age lifestyle site GOOP has delivered the goods once more, offering subscribers some rather unusual advice on how to combat depression, reports
A new post on the Paltrow-helmed website introduces readers to the concept of "earthing" - that's going barefoot, in layman's terms.
Walking around barefoot outside isn't a sure-fire way to step on something sharp - it's actually an incredibly powerful healer for mental and physical woes including depression.
"Earthing therapy rests on the intuitive assumption that connecting to the energy of the planet is healthy for our souls and bodies," says the post, which insists there is a "scientific angle" to the theory, and that "GP" (Gwyneth Paltrow herself) swears by the practice.
"Several people in our community (including GP) swear by earthing - also called grounding - for everything from inflammation and arthritis to insomnia and depression."